Axeworthy flying ghost. It seems pretty simple to make with an interesting effect, I have been looking into the many different versions and it appears to have the added advantage of being inexpensive.
I think this blog is becoming my 'Halloween props for 2010 wishlist'. Which isn't a bad idea, since it will then have value to me for keeping all of my ideas, etc in one place.
Here are some examples that I found and will consider in my version:
Spinman1949 over at Hauntforum has a pretty nice idea for a small motor/pulley system.
Hauntproject has a bunch of ideas/implementations all in one place.
Hauntforum has so many great ideas, I get the feeling I'll have to start putting off projects to 2011 after another month looking at stuff over there.
Now the next step is to get some of these design ideas down on paper, get some of the specs together and start prototyping. Let the fun begin.