Wednesday, September 15, 2010

PicAXE - Video how-to for Halloween Props: Part 2

Wanted to get this up without delay:

It's starting with the setup from the last video. Added another LED and a microswitch input.

Again, let me know what you think or if there is further detail needed. I'm working on coming up with some more examples, but if you have something in mind let me know.

Here is the code snippet for this 2nd example:

symbol counter = b1
symbol LED1 = 0
symbol LED2 = 1


high LED1
high LED2
if pin4 = 1 then dance
goto main

for counter = 1 to 10
high LED1
pause 200
low LED1
high LED2
pause 200
low LED2
pause 200
next counter
high LED1
high LED2
wait 10
goto main

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PicAXE - Video how-to for Halloween Props

Finally have something to post...

You will need to refer to the board diagram for pin configuration, which is different for each PicAxe board.  Hopefully you'll be able to follow along.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yer lookin at the newest member to Haunted Wisconsin's Review Crew

Wooo-whooo!!!  Just a little celebration.

As you may have guessed...  I'm a big fan of Halloween, Haunted Houses and just about everything else that is part of the season.  In an effort to take my fan-ness year round I have been looking for new ways to get and stay in the spirit.  I've joined a number of Haunt forums, but being a member of the Review Crew over at Haunted Wisconsin took a little bit more than registration.

I had to apply and be accepted, and I found out today that I have been accepted into the 2010 Review Crew.  Whew.

So, what's the deal?  I get to review 4 SE Wisconsin Haunts for the Haunted Wisconsin website!

Now I just cannot wait for the Haunts to open so I can start visiting and enjoying.  Click here to visit!

More to come.

Little bit of...

Cool video, check it out.